Tuesday, December 13, 2016

There's Not Enough Time to Read!

Being a parent myself, I know what it's like to be so overwhelmed with the every day "tasks." By the time I get home from work, unpack backpacks and lunch boxes, cook dinner, feed my family, clean up from dinner, pack backpacks and lunch boxes for the next day, give baths, do laundry, play with my kids (and never mind if there's an activity or sport in between there that we need to be at)- I often can't imagine how I can add another thing, like reading, to my plate. And this, coming from a reading teacher who understands the value and impact of reading with your children. We live in a busy world with so much to do, but the reality is- reading is SO important to our children's future success. So, I'm hoping the link below will help you to incorporate reading into your already busy lives.

If you have some different ideas of how to fit reading into an already packed schedule- please share in the comments section. :)

8 Ways to Fit Reading Into Your Busy Schedule

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Why Are We Here?

I'm so happy you found my blog! 

To answer some questions you may have...

"Who are you?" My current title- "reading interventionist." Simply, this means I offer reading support to all teachers and students in the school. Prior to this role, I was a 5th grade teacher here at NEA. 

"Why are we here?" Through this blog, I hope to engage you all in dialogue about reading; specifically in regards to your children. My "dream" is that this blog will unite school and home on the reading front and also give me an opportunity to build relationships with the families of the students I've come to know and love. 

"What will we find here?" Articles, activities, or sometimes just plain old fun stories about my reading adventures with your children. I also encourage YOU to comment, ask questions, and share your own ideas and adventures about reading! 

I leave you today with this...

10 Solid Reasons Why You Should Always Read with Your Kids in Life

Thank you for visiting! I hope you come back soon and frequently!!